State of the Camp Report
October 2024
State of the Camp Report
October 2024
Dear Friends of Glen Gray,
We hope everyone has enjoyed the beautiful fall weather although we sure could use some rain in Camp to help ease the fire restrictions. There continues to be a lot of activity in Camp. Some of the activity highlights follow:
• In January, we had to postpone Arctic Challenge X for 2024 due to more rain and flooding. We rescheduled it to March. We had over 130 youth participate in 20 teams that were all hosted by the 11 units attending. Everyone successfully navigated the Yukon in Spring and had a great time! 2025 is already sold out!
• New Scout Weekend IX sold out again as usual and our newest Scouts had a great time learning and working on early rank requirements. We continue to see new unit participation and loyal regulars. We had over 230 adults and Scouts of which 76 were new Scouts.
• We held an inaugural event geared towards Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. Treasure Island was a half day event where Scout crews rotated amongst interactive stations geared towards fun and scout skills. Many thanks to our Pirates Carol Pinkus, Merle Gehman and Paul Holland who developed and ran the event. It was well received and is sure to make land again next Fall. We had over 150 adults and Scouts participate, including more than 40 Webelos/Arrow of Lights in 9 Crews.
• Next up is Outdoor Chef VI which will be held on Saturday November 2 in Crowell Field. This is the largest event to date, and we expect to have 133 youth participating in 21 Teams. Thanks to Paul Wilson, Drew and Glenn Kyle for leading this popular event and to all of our judges who return each year to help out. This is a fun event to showcase their outdoor cooking skills. There is also an opportunity for Unit leaders to show their stuff.
We had another successful Homecoming/Hall of Fame on Sunday October 20. It was a beautiful day in Camp and we honored four great volunteers for their many years of service to Camp: Kurt Jansen - OG 2014, Christopher R. Joens, M.D. - OG 2007, Jose Nata - OG 2001 and Jorge Tavares - OG 2001. All of these gentlemen remain very Jones, M.D. - OG 2007, Jose Nata - OG 2001 and Jorge Tavares - OG 2001. All of these gentlemen remain very active supporters of Camp, and their efforts are very much appreciated. Total camper days for 2024 YTD total 10,078 which has us slightly behind 2023.
The YWCA held their YWCamp@Mahwah day camp for the 5 th season. The campers enjoyed a wide variety of activities from the waterfront to the archery range to field sports in Crowell Field. Plans are already underway to return in 2025!
Drew continues in his role as Manager supported by Caretaker Brandon Romaine, Mike McCusker and Reservation Coordinator Bill Lauturner in addition to the Old Guard, the Maintenance Committee, the Donald Cabin Association, other cabin sponsors and many other committed volunteers. They are a constant presence in Camp ensuring our customers have a good experience and Camp remains in good shape.
Much has been accomplished in Camp this year Highlights of service performed and improvements made include:
• The Campmaster Kitchen project has been completed. Thank you to Old Guard members Ernie Biron, Mike McCusker, Doug McGilvray and Trustees Paul Holland and Jerry Graham for their efforts. There is a new up to date kitchen with new flooring, ceiling and walls and lighting throughout. The exterior logs were repaired and rechinked on that side of the Headquarters’ Building and repainted. A Campmaster patio is nearly complete along with a refresh of the grounds outside HQ and the HQ well. Plans are underway to make additional repairs to the Headquarters’ exterior log walls, windows and trim in the Spring to prevent further deterioration.
• Heavy rainfall and flooding severely damaged the roads in Camp in December 2023. To get back up and running ASAP, Drew mobilized the staff and volunteers from the Old Guard and other friends of Camp to move 60 tons of stone over two days to repair the damage. It was a great effort by all and Camp remained open.
A Cabin Sponsor workday was held in April and the Old Guard held two workdays in June and September. A variety of necessary tasks were completed, including:
▪ Cleaning up the waterfront area of leaves and branches resulted in more than 80 bags that were removed for composting.
▪ Boat dock beach replenishment with five yards of fresh sand
▪ Platform repairs in tent sites
▪ Moving the docks in and out of the water for the season.
▪ Clearing the swales and culverts through camp of leaves and debris to improve drainage.
▪ Maintenance Yard clean-up
We had over 60 people in attendance from the Old Guard, cabin sponsoring Troops and other camp-related volunteers. Thanks to all who continue to support the important events and to Drew, Brandon Romaine, OG Vice President Glenn Kyle OG 2015, Les Litchfield OG 2010, and the Maintenance Committee for their efforts to make the day successful.
• The Donald Cabin Association took on the job to bring Stag Run back to life. The site had been closed due to numerous dead trees, The boys got busy and felled more than a dozen trees and with the help of Brandon, got them all cut up. The wood was later removed by Drew, Brandon and the DCA with help from Mike McCusker and workday volunteers. The DCA repaired and reset the platforms, and the site is back on the rental list. A great job by all. Next up is Ramapo.
• The swimming docks were set up this year by Jeremiah Murnane OG 2017 under the watchful eye of Trustee Paul Holland OG 1998.
• Our last two woodstoves in Benedict and Tindall Lodges were replaced by the Donald Cabin Association. Thank you again to all who supported this important multi-year project to place safe and efficient stoves in each of our cabins.
• Trustee Paul Wilson, OG 2009 continued to manage our wireless network which included the installation of security cameras around Headquarters and the extension of Wi-Fi to the Library. He can often be found on a ladder in camp tweaking the system to improve stability and performance.
• We continue with our clean-up and organization efforts throughout camp to dispose of unneeded materials and to organize the items to be retained.
Thank you to all who have helped out throughout the year. We continue to carefully manage expenses with a focus on needed maintenance and select equipment purchases and capital improvements. Thank you to Drew, Brandon and our part time staff (Mike and Bill) and all of our loyal Old Guard volunteers and cabin sponsors. Thanks to all who have supported weekend camping by providing Campmaster service. We have some new Campmasters this year and we look forward to their contributions Our 2024 Annual Appeal is underway with positive results. Many thanks to our loyal supporters including the Crowell Family and Vice Chairman Dr, Norman W Leard, III, The McMullen Family Foundation and Farris Trustee Fund for their continued generous support as well as other foundations and individuals who have made significant gifts.in support of camp operations and capital expenditures.
In March, Joseph A. Pastore, Sr., HOF 2010, OG 1967 passed away. Joe’s significant efforts to maintain and improve Glen Gray over the years are evident throughout Camp. Joe always enjoyed spending time in Camp, and it was a pleasure to hear him reminisce about his days at Glen Gray as a Scout and later on through the years as an adult volunteer. He is missed. Our fourth Management Agreement expires in December, and we are currently working with Bergen County to renew for another 5 years. Thank you again for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to seeing you in Camp.
The Trustees and Professional Staff of The Friends of Glen Gray
We hope everyone has enjoyed the beautiful fall weather although we sure could use some rain in Camp to help ease the fire restrictions. There continues to be a lot of activity in Camp. Some of the activity highlights follow:
• In January, we had to postpone Arctic Challenge X for 2024 due to more rain and flooding. We rescheduled it to March. We had over 130 youth participate in 20 teams that were all hosted by the 11 units attending. Everyone successfully navigated the Yukon in Spring and had a great time! 2025 is already sold out!
• New Scout Weekend IX sold out again as usual and our newest Scouts had a great time learning and working on early rank requirements. We continue to see new unit participation and loyal regulars. We had over 230 adults and Scouts of which 76 were new Scouts.
• We held an inaugural event geared towards Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. Treasure Island was a half day event where Scout crews rotated amongst interactive stations geared towards fun and scout skills. Many thanks to our Pirates Carol Pinkus, Merle Gehman and Paul Holland who developed and ran the event. It was well received and is sure to make land again next Fall. We had over 150 adults and Scouts participate, including more than 40 Webelos/Arrow of Lights in 9 Crews.
• Next up is Outdoor Chef VI which will be held on Saturday November 2 in Crowell Field. This is the largest event to date, and we expect to have 133 youth participating in 21 Teams. Thanks to Paul Wilson, Drew and Glenn Kyle for leading this popular event and to all of our judges who return each year to help out. This is a fun event to showcase their outdoor cooking skills. There is also an opportunity for Unit leaders to show their stuff.
We had another successful Homecoming/Hall of Fame on Sunday October 20. It was a beautiful day in Camp and we honored four great volunteers for their many years of service to Camp: Kurt Jansen - OG 2014, Christopher R. Joens, M.D. - OG 2007, Jose Nata - OG 2001 and Jorge Tavares - OG 2001. All of these gentlemen remain very Jones, M.D. - OG 2007, Jose Nata - OG 2001 and Jorge Tavares - OG 2001. All of these gentlemen remain very active supporters of Camp, and their efforts are very much appreciated. Total camper days for 2024 YTD total 10,078 which has us slightly behind 2023.
The YWCA held their YWCamp@Mahwah day camp for the 5 th season. The campers enjoyed a wide variety of activities from the waterfront to the archery range to field sports in Crowell Field. Plans are already underway to return in 2025!
Drew continues in his role as Manager supported by Caretaker Brandon Romaine, Mike McCusker and Reservation Coordinator Bill Lauturner in addition to the Old Guard, the Maintenance Committee, the Donald Cabin Association, other cabin sponsors and many other committed volunteers. They are a constant presence in Camp ensuring our customers have a good experience and Camp remains in good shape.
Much has been accomplished in Camp this year Highlights of service performed and improvements made include:
• The Campmaster Kitchen project has been completed. Thank you to Old Guard members Ernie Biron, Mike McCusker, Doug McGilvray and Trustees Paul Holland and Jerry Graham for their efforts. There is a new up to date kitchen with new flooring, ceiling and walls and lighting throughout. The exterior logs were repaired and rechinked on that side of the Headquarters’ Building and repainted. A Campmaster patio is nearly complete along with a refresh of the grounds outside HQ and the HQ well. Plans are underway to make additional repairs to the Headquarters’ exterior log walls, windows and trim in the Spring to prevent further deterioration.
• Heavy rainfall and flooding severely damaged the roads in Camp in December 2023. To get back up and running ASAP, Drew mobilized the staff and volunteers from the Old Guard and other friends of Camp to move 60 tons of stone over two days to repair the damage. It was a great effort by all and Camp remained open.
A Cabin Sponsor workday was held in April and the Old Guard held two workdays in June and September. A variety of necessary tasks were completed, including:
▪ Cleaning up the waterfront area of leaves and branches resulted in more than 80 bags that were removed for composting.
▪ Boat dock beach replenishment with five yards of fresh sand
▪ Platform repairs in tent sites
▪ Moving the docks in and out of the water for the season.
▪ Clearing the swales and culverts through camp of leaves and debris to improve drainage.
▪ Maintenance Yard clean-up
We had over 60 people in attendance from the Old Guard, cabin sponsoring Troops and other camp-related volunteers. Thanks to all who continue to support the important events and to Drew, Brandon Romaine, OG Vice President Glenn Kyle OG 2015, Les Litchfield OG 2010, and the Maintenance Committee for their efforts to make the day successful.
• The Donald Cabin Association took on the job to bring Stag Run back to life. The site had been closed due to numerous dead trees, The boys got busy and felled more than a dozen trees and with the help of Brandon, got them all cut up. The wood was later removed by Drew, Brandon and the DCA with help from Mike McCusker and workday volunteers. The DCA repaired and reset the platforms, and the site is back on the rental list. A great job by all. Next up is Ramapo.
• The swimming docks were set up this year by Jeremiah Murnane OG 2017 under the watchful eye of Trustee Paul Holland OG 1998.
• Our last two woodstoves in Benedict and Tindall Lodges were replaced by the Donald Cabin Association. Thank you again to all who supported this important multi-year project to place safe and efficient stoves in each of our cabins.
• Trustee Paul Wilson, OG 2009 continued to manage our wireless network which included the installation of security cameras around Headquarters and the extension of Wi-Fi to the Library. He can often be found on a ladder in camp tweaking the system to improve stability and performance.
• We continue with our clean-up and organization efforts throughout camp to dispose of unneeded materials and to organize the items to be retained.
Thank you to all who have helped out throughout the year. We continue to carefully manage expenses with a focus on needed maintenance and select equipment purchases and capital improvements. Thank you to Drew, Brandon and our part time staff (Mike and Bill) and all of our loyal Old Guard volunteers and cabin sponsors. Thanks to all who have supported weekend camping by providing Campmaster service. We have some new Campmasters this year and we look forward to their contributions Our 2024 Annual Appeal is underway with positive results. Many thanks to our loyal supporters including the Crowell Family and Vice Chairman Dr, Norman W Leard, III, The McMullen Family Foundation and Farris Trustee Fund for their continued generous support as well as other foundations and individuals who have made significant gifts.in support of camp operations and capital expenditures.
In March, Joseph A. Pastore, Sr., HOF 2010, OG 1967 passed away. Joe’s significant efforts to maintain and improve Glen Gray over the years are evident throughout Camp. Joe always enjoyed spending time in Camp, and it was a pleasure to hear him reminisce about his days at Glen Gray as a Scout and later on through the years as an adult volunteer. He is missed. Our fourth Management Agreement expires in December, and we are currently working with Bergen County to renew for another 5 years. Thank you again for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to seeing you in Camp.
The Trustees and Professional Staff of The Friends of Glen Gray